Local students earn degrees from University of Vermont


University of vermontRegion- The following local residents earned degrees from the University of Vermont in Burlington: Samuel P. Bush of Northborough received a B.S. in business administration; Anthony B. Haigh of Northborough received a B.S. in geology; William E. Kearney of Northborough received a B.S. in mechanical engineering; Emily A. Mandara of Northborough received a B.S. in exercise and movement sciences; Richard M. O’Halloran of Northborough received a B.S. in secondary education English; Gina E. Bouchard of Shrewsbury received a B.S. in nutrition and food sciences; Eric A. Canfield of Shrewsbury received a B.S. in business administration. Joshua L. Nason of Shrewsbury received a B.S. in mechanical engineering; Ryan C. Barry of Southborough received a B.A. in environmental studies; Philip B. Kachajian of Southborough received a B.A. in history; Allyson M. Kraus of Southborough received a B.S. in psychology. Alisa A. McGowan of Southborough received a B.S. in environmental sciences; Justin A. Strohsnitter of Westborough received a B.S. in mechanical engineering; Michael C. Sullivan of Westborough received a B.S. in computer science.

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