Sullivan and Caplan announce engagement


Cassie Crowley Sullivan and Daniel Noah Caplan. (Photo/submitted)
Cassie Crowley Sullivan and Daniel Noah Caplan. (Photo/submitted)

Shrewsbury – William Sullivan, Jr. and Dr. Eileen Sullivan of Shrewsbury and Falmouth, Mass., are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Cassie Crowley Sullivan, to Daniel Noah Caplan, son of Jon and Michele Caplan of New York, N.Y. and S. Egremont, Mass.

The couple met while studying at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, Italy; they currently reside in New York City. The future bride graduated from Hamilton College (B.A.) and Boston University (M.A.T.). She teaches Latin in Bronxvile, N.Y. and coaches varsity field hockey. The future groom graduated from Kenyon College (B.A.) and works in the recruiting and real estate industries. An early August 2015 wedding is planned in Lenox, Mass.

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